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Amiga Joysticks, Such Fun!
An assortment of classic retro Amiga joysticks.
We know your Amiga has some great games, but without a great joystick, you can't do a great lot. We currently offer a selection of what we think are some of the best Amiga joysticks ever made, like the Super famous Completion Pro 5000, The Zipstik and Powerplay's Cruiser.
Over the lifespan of the Amiga there have probably been over 100 compatible joysticks on the market but that's not to say they were all good. Lets just take the 'Commodore 1311' joystick as an example, it was a terrible joystick. Iconic, but terrible.
What is the Best Joystick for the Amiga?

If you are in the market for an new Amiga joystick then you may want to consider a Zipstick joystick or an Amiga Competition pro joystick which both feature super strong shafts and micro-switched points of contact.
The Competition Pro Joystick for the Amiga is many peoples first choice for Amiga arcade games whilst most of the Quickshot Amiga joysticks contain microswitches, they are not built to the same high standard as the Zipstik or Competition Pro joystick.
You may also want to consider a joypad or for the Amiga or an Amiga gamepad, although not as popular on the Amiga, they are very popular on other machines.
Your new Amiga 500 joystick or for that matter your Amiga 600 joystick can be the same as your Amiga 1200 joystick in that they feature a standard pin 9-pin D (DB9) plug that was on the original Atari systems.
So what is the best Amiga joystick?
In our opinion most joysticks that feature a steel shaft and are micro-switched are a good place to start. So our favourites are the ZipStik, The Competition Pro 5000, The Cruiser, Konix Speedking and the Bug joystick.
All these Amiga joysticks should last you for many years and make Amiga gaming that little bit better.
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